Forthcoming events
There are currently no forthcoming events being advertised, please check back soon.
Previous events
- 3 May - The perils of interpreting: the extraordinary story of two translators between Qing China and the British Empire
- 8 February - Conservative Birmingham
- 7 December - BRIHC In Public Event: What is housing poverty, who does it affect and how?
- 23 November - Collaborative public history: a roundtable with academics and partners
- 16 November - Cold War frontier? British military communities in Germany, 1945-2020
- 23 February - Researching Black British Histories
- 1-31 October - BHM2019 - Exhibition of British Asian Lifestyle
- 3-5 July - Modern British Studies Beyond Boundaries
- 13 June - Pacifists making guns: the Galtons of Birmingham and Britain's industrial revolution
- 1 June - Masculinities in Twentieth Century Britain
- 30 May - The Grain of History: Photography and Post-War Time c.1945-55
- 5-7 July - Modern British Studies Conference 2017: British Studies in a Broken World
- 13 March - The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World
- 8 March - Forum for Early Career Researchers
- 1 March - Co-operatives and Decolonisation: A Beautiful Friendship?
- 23 February - The Killing of Sister George
- 22 February - Birmingham Teaching Fellows Session
- 8 February - Beyond Empire's Ambit: Narcotic Drugs between Science and State Crime
- 6 February - Making Manhood, Making Science: Myths of identity in modern sport and exploration
- 1 February - Baubles of the Bourbons: The Fate of Royal Heritage in Nineteenth-Century France
- 18 January - The Vanquished
- 11 January - Violence, Resilience and the 'Coolie' Identity: Life on the Ships to the Caribbean, 1834-1920
- 8 December - Winter roundtable
- 23 November - We Are the World: The End of Empire and the Rise of Global Humanitarianism
- 12 July - Catherine Hall in conversation
- 20-21 June - Seeking legitimacy: authority and expertise in modern Britain
- 2-3 July - Rethinking modern British studies conference
- 25 March - Economic History as if People Mattered: A Workshop for Dr Francesca Carnevali
- 21 March - The Handsworth Scroll: Radical Politics on the High Street
- 20 March - The Stuart Hall Project
- 18 March - Ken Loach's 'Save the Children Fund Film'