Study opportunities

Demand for skilled data scientists has increased significantly in the UK in recent years. The University of Birmingham is driving innovation in its curriculum to ensure programmes provide students with the knowledge and skills to equip them for a career in the sector.

At undergraduate level, we offer BSc Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science on the Edgbaston and Dubai campuses.

At postgraduate level, we offer the following programmes at Edgbaston:

  • MSc Data Science which aims to equip graduates from all disciplines with a broad range of practical skills in data analysis, management and visualization.
  • MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is designed to deepen and broaden the skills of Computer Science graduates, leading towards a career in AI research. Thanks to the generosity of Deepmind, we are able to offer full scholarships for students who identify as female and/or identify as Black African, Black Caribbean or other Black ethnicity.
  • MSc Law, Regulation and AI Ethics is delivered in collaboration with Accenture and will equip law graduates with the technical and specialist legal skills to identify and address the new challenges that big data and AI pose for the legal profession. Funding from the Office for Students supports full-fee scholarships for female, BAME, and disabled students.
  • MSc Bioinformatics is a specialised programme that prepares students from both biological and computational/mathematical backgrounds for a career in biomedical data science.
  • MSc Health Data Science provides students with a diversity of skills with hands-on expertise in harmonizing, integrating and analysing multimodal healthcare data.

In Dubai, we offer:

In addition to these full degree programmes, the Institute is developing an exciting range of short courses. These will be delivered alongside, and integrated into, programmes from across the disciplines to ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop their understanding and skills in data science and AI.