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Current PhD studentship opportunities

Effect of additive ceramic core material formulation on rheology and particle segregation

Characterisation of the physics of photopolymer curing and formulation effects

Characterisation of the physics of photopolymer curing and formulation effects of highly filled slurries during additive ceramic core manufacture

Supervised by Dr Alex Cendrowicz (School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham).  

Liquid metal filtration and cleanliness for high performance superalloys

Liquid metal filtration and cleanliness for high performance superalloys

Supervised by Professor Nick Green (HTRC and School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham)

Fundamental studies of heterogeneous nucleation via recrystallisation

Fundamental studies of heterogeneous nucleation via recrystallisation

Supervised by Professor Nick Green (HTRC and School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham)  

Modelling of multi component dendritic growth

Modelling of multi component dendritic growth

Supervised by Dr Nils Warnken (School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham), 

Crystal Plasticity Modelling in Single Crystal (SX) Superalloys

Crystal Plasticity Modelling in Single Crystal (SX) Superalloys

Supervised by Professor Roger Reed (School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham, and Department of Materials, University of Oxford) 

Role of Defects on Mechanical Behaviour of Single Crystal Superalloys

Role of Defects on Mechanical Behaviour of Single Crystal Superalloys

Supervised by Professor Roger Reed (School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham, and Department of Materials, University of Oxford) 

Strain-banding in Single Crystal (SX) Superalloys

Strain-banding in Single Crystal (SX) Superalloys

Supervised by Professor Roger Reed (School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham, and Department of Materials, University of Oxford), 

Comprehensive elasto-viscoplastic models for Ni-base superalloys

Dynamic responses of solidification microstructure to geometry-induced changes

Dynamic responses of solidification microstructure to geometry-induced changes in casting conditions

Supervised by Professor Nick Green (HTRC and School of Metallurgy & Materials, University of Birmingham),