Our research

Whether you are a large corporate organisation or a small business, whether you require a short term solution or have a long term project in mind, you can access our research expertise and leading-edge facilities in the following areas at the HTRC.

Advanced Engineering Alloys and their Processing

Our research looks at understanding the influence of advanced processing techniques (additive manufacturing, powder processing, solid-state joining) on the microstructure property development in advanced materials.


We have an outstanding international reputation in castings technologies. Through our work at the University's Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Materials Processing, we’ve made major contributions towards the development of new processes for melting and casting Titanium Aluminides, radical changes to design of casting systems for production of reliable castings and novel refractory materials for investment casting, among many others.


Our Ceramics Forming Group focus on the development of structured and functional materials and products. In addition we develop models for the prediction of pressure drops in the flow of pastes.

Manufacturing Simulation and Modelling

We are the Manufacturing Technology Centre’s lead research partner in Manufacturing Simulation. Our researchers are engaged in the design and development of materials for application in aerospace and related industries. Our materials and process modelling techniques enable innovation in these technologies to be undertaken in a more cost-effective and timely manner while optimising design and production.

Alloy Processing

We have expertise in advanced consolidation and alloy development from micron-sized powders and nanoparticles to produce pore-free engineering components.

Additionally we have expertise in the control of metallurgical processes focussed on interfacial heat transfer in casting, oxide film defects in light alloys and lost foam casting processes.

We are also at the forefront of rapid materials discovery, producing multiple alloy formulations using laser and electron beam combinatorial synthesis.


At our Facility for Electron Microscopy, we have a wide range of state-of-the-art Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopes for high resolution imaging and characterisation along with experienced technical and academic staff and an accomplished history of delivering analytical services.

Surface Engineering

Our Surface Engineering Research Group is developing novel surface engineering technologies, surface engineering design and modelling, and characterising of surface engineered materials. Additionally we have experts working on laser texturing and surface functionalisation for tooling, biomedical and printing applications.

Netshape Manufacturing

Our Netshape manufacturing research facility within the IRC is host to one of the country’s most ambitious research groups. The themes focus on near net-shape and additive layer manufacturing (ALM) processes and materials. We are pioneering research into new materials and production processes for components, minimising energy use in manufacture while reducing overall weight.

High Temperature Oxidation

Our High Temperature Oxidation Group investigates the long-term viability of machine components operating at high temperatures in an oxidising environment.