Seminars in the Birmingham Centre for Genome Biology

2023 visiting seminar speakers

10th May: Lovorka Stojic, Barts Cancer Centre, UK

3rd May: Tiziana Bonaldi, IEO Milan

26th April: Joao Pedro Magalhaes, University of Birmingham

22nd February: Jim Hugues, University of Oxford

18th January: Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology

Previous visiting seminar speakers


7 Dec, Fumeko Esash, University of Oxford

6 Dec, Helen Walden, University of Glasgow

26 Oct, Ozren Bogdanovic, Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology, Seville

21 Sep, Corinne Houart, Kings College London

29 June, Dale Wigley, Imperial College, London

25 May, David Tollervey, University of Edinburgh

11 May, Ron Hay, Dundee University

27 April, Michaela Frye, DKFZ Heidelberg

23 Feb, George Murphy, Boston University

26 Jan, Jason Parsons, University of Liverpool


1 October, Richard Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK

19 November, Terry Rabbitts, University of Oxford, UK

25 June, Cristina Cardoso, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

28 May, Luke Yates, Imperial College, London

26 March, Ian Groves, University of Cambridge, UK

5 March, JJ Schuringa, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands

15 January, Diu Nguyen, Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute, USA


2 October, Robert Sellar, University College London

25 February, Chris Toseland, University of Sheffield


22 Oct, Marjolein Vansluis, National University of Ireland Galway

26 Nov, Ester Hammond, University of Oxford

24 Sept, Helen White-Cooper, Cardiff University

9 July, Rob de Bruin, UCL, London

25 June, Randi Syljuasen, The University of Oslo

11 June, Steve West, The Crick Institute London

21 May, Torsten Krude, CRUK Cambridge Centre

26 Mar, Douglas Vernimmen, University of Edinburgh

26 Feb, Duncan Sproul, University of Edinburgh

29 Jan, Phillip Voigt, University of Edinburgh


20 Nov, Delphine Larrieu, University of Cambridge

22 May, Rob Klose, University of Oxford

17 Apr, Panagia Filippakopoulos, SGC,University of Oxford

20 Mar, Richard Festenstein, Imperial Collage London

23 Jan, Lynne Cox, University of Oxford


5 Dec, Duncan Odom, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

21 Nov, Andrew Jackson, University of Edinburgh

26 Sept, Ana Narvaez, Astra Zeneca

13 June, Adam Mead, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

9 May, Chiara Francavilla, Faculty of Life Science, University of Manchester

25 Apr, Petra Hajkova, MRC Clinical Science Centre, Imperial College, London

21 Mar, Cristina Lo Celso, the Francis Crick Institute, London

21 Feb, Veronique Azuara, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London


13 Dec, Nathalia Gromak, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford

29 Nov, Sarah McClelland, Barts Cancer Institute, London

21 Sept, David Blakey, Mina Therapeutics

20 Sept, Tom Owen-Hughes, University of Dundee

24 May, Claus Nerlov, University of Oxford

19 Apr, Adele Murrell, University of Bath

15 Mar, Dean Jackson, University of Manchester

19 Feb, Daniel Tenen, Harvard Stem Cell Institute

16 Feb, Elias Campo, Research Director, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona

19 Jan, Florian Grebian, Ludwig Boltxmann Institute for Cancer Research


1 Dec, Tatjana Sauka-Spengler, University of Oxford

24 Nov, Marco Saponaro, ICGS, University of Birmingham

23 Oct, John Bushweller, University of Virginia

8 Sept, Asifa Akhtar, Max Planck Institute of Immunology and Epigenetics, Freiburg

8 Sept, Dirk Schübeler, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel

25 June, Ann Harris, Northwestern University, Chicago

16 June, Paola Scaffidi, Epigenetics and functional intra-tumour heterogeneity

19 May, Bertie Gottgens, University of Cambridge

21 Apr, Marco Saponaro, Francis Crick Institute

17 Mar, Peter Fraser, Babraham Institute, Cambridge

25 Feb, Francis Stewart, University of Dresden