Industry Collaboration with our Centre for Doctoral Training

We collaborate with industrial partners ranging from world-leading multi-national companies such as Unilever, Rolls Royce, Johnson Matthey, Imerys and Procter & Gamble.

Ongoing engagement with the CDT from our industry partners is crucial to the success of the programme. Year-on-year we see a growth of industry collaboration – with internships and sponsorship of projects – that allows the work of the CDT to remain at the forefront of tackling real-life issues and allows our research engineers a unique opportunity to provide much needed solutions. In the past twelve months we’ve received additional industry collaboration from the following companies: DSTL, British Aerospace, IFPRI, Lonza, Mondelez, GSK and Calgavin.

What our industrial partners say about our programme

We are excited by the cross-industry focus of the CDT.

Astra Zeneca

The …[CDT] is vital in delivering the doctoral skill level individuals require to maintain the competitive strength of both Mondelez and the UK globally.


JM is especially supportive of the initiative …to strengthen the process measurement and control aspects, inherently involving a drive to a more data-driven approach to formulation.

Johnson Matthey

The unique combination of industrial and academic experience that the CDT provides…align well with the needs and future direction of the Fiberlean.


The nature of the EngD programme is that the research is always current and relevant.

Dupont Teijin Films

Benefits to:

  • Receive a recent graduate working on industrially relevant problems with the support of one of the UK’s leading School of Chemical Engineering;
  • Significant financial benefits, with students receiving an EPSRC stipend rather than salary whilst working on potentially patentable research;
  • Whilst there is no obligation to employ the Research Engineers at the end of the four years, the programme often acts as a four-year ‘interview’, with over 75% of research engineers securing relevant employment upon graduation.