Publications and Research in the Centre for Economics of Obesity

Our latest publication illustrates how the Centre is using economics to inform policy action on obesity:

  1. Frew, E., Afentou, N., Mohtashami Borzadaran, H. et al. Using Economics to Impact Local Obesity Policy: Introducing the UK Centre for Economics of Obesity (CEO). Appl Health Econ Health Policy (2022).
  2. Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery vs Community Weight Management Intervention for the Treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Magda Aguiar, Zerin Alimajstorovic, David Cartwright, Gareth Lavery, Rishi Singhal, Abd Tahrani, Kristian Brock & 2 others, & Alex Sinclair, 1 Jun 2021, In: JAMA Neurology. 78, 6, p. 678-686
  3. The health economic evaluation of bariatric surgery versus a community weight management intervention analysis from the idiopathic intracranial hypertension weight trial (IIH:WT), Magda Aguiar, Emma Frew, Zerin Alimajstorovic, Andreas Yiangou, Rishi Singhal, Abd Tahrani & Alex Sinclair, 30 Apr 2021, In: Life. 11, 5, 9 p., 409.
  4. Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery versus community weight management to treat obesity-related idiopathic intracranial hypertension: evidence from a single payer health care system, Emma Frew, Andreas Yiangou, Zerin Alimajstorovic, Mark Thaller, Rishi Singhal, Abd Tahrani, Alex Sinclair & Magda Aguiar, 1 Jul 2021, In: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 17, 7, p. P1310-1316
  5. Assessing the costs and outcomes of control programmes for sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review of economic evaluations, Louise Jackson, Emma Frew, 2 Mar 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Sexually Transmitted Infections.
  6. Use of economic evidence when prioritising public health interventions in schools: a qualitative study with school staff, Katie Breheny, Emma Frew, Iestyn Williams & Jo Coast, 4 Dec 2020, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 23, 9077.

Research Briefings and Study Reports: