Centre for Corpus Research

The Centre for Corpus Research supports the use of corpus analysis in research, teaching and learning.

CCR highlights the strong cross-disciplinary reach of corpus linguistics at Birmingham with particular focus on the links between psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, forensic linguistics, literary stylistics and statistics. CCR provides access to a range of corpora. CCR is a CLARIN-UK centre and it will be jointly hosting, with Aston University and Birmingham City University, the 13th International Corpus Linguistics Conference in July 2025.

The University of Birmingham has an established tradition in corpus linguistics, with the development of major corpora since the 1970s, including the 17 million word Birmingham Collection of English Text, developed in the 1980s, and the Bank of English, in the 1990s. Under the direction of John Sinclair, Birmingham hosted the Cobuild project, and developed corpus lexicography in the 1980s.

We are proud to offer throughout the academic year a series of events including the annual John Sinclair Lecture.

Contact CCR

For further information, contact the Director of the Centre, Paul Thompson (p.thompson@bham.ac.uk).