New and emerging technology for adult social care

Evaluating the use of new technology for adult social care

New and emerging technology, such as home sensors that use artificial intelligence (AI), have been identified as promising in addressing adult social care challenges (for example, increasing needs for social care alongside workforce supply challenges), particularly in the context of Covid-19. However, there is a lack of evidence to support their widespread use, and to support local authorities and care providers making decisions around the implementation of these technologies.

Overall, the evidence-base is sparse, methodological limitations of available studies are common and there is a focus on health rather than social care outcomes. In particular, this evaluation seeks to understand what senior decision makers are hoping to achieve by adopting new and emerging technology, how they go about deciding which technology to adopt and which partners to engage, how these technologies are implemented and the early experiences of people using services, carers and front-line care staff.

Our Approach

This rapid evaluation aims to provide learning to assist commissioners and providers in decision-making about the adoption, commissioning and implementation of new and emerging technology. We will invite five case study sites to participate (3 local authorities and 2 large social care providers), all using home ‘IndependencePlus’ (not its real name), a form of AI-based care technology identified as promising for evaluation through an NIHR-funded prioritisation exercise. The evaluation will include:

  • Semi-structured interviews with senior decision-makers and operational leads, coupled with a documentary review (to understand the decision-making and implementation process)
  • Semi-structured interviews with people using services, carers and front-line care staff (to understand early experiences of implementation)
  • Local workshops with participating local authorities and care providers (to share and discuss emerging findings, ‘sense-check’ our interpretations, and engage in discussions about their next steps in terms of use of technology)

Our Outputs

If I knew then what I know now..., a short guide on introducing new technology in adult social care, is now available.

NiHR Report

National Institute for Health Research Services and Delivery Research stream (NIHR HSDR) Rapid Evaluation Centre Report: New and emerging technology for adult social care - the example of home sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) technology; Jon Glasby, Ian Litchfield, Sarah Parkinson, Lucy Hocking, Denise Tanner, Bridget Roe, Jennifer Bousfield; June 2023

"Trying to Find People to Fit the Tech…”: A Qualitative Exploration of the Lessons Learnt Introducing Artificial Intelligence-Based Technology into English Social Care; Health & Social Care in the Community; Ian Litchfield, Jon Glasby, Sarah Parkinson, Lucy Hocking, Denise Tanner, Bridget Roe, Jennifer Bousfield; May 2023

Driving Digitalisation: How providers can use research to implement new technologies; Jon Glasby shares findings of the new research project on the implementation of new technology in care settings in Care Management Matters magazine, May 2023.

The HSR UK Conference in July 2022 featured a recorded presentation of Introducing new and emerging technology for adult social care: The example of remote sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) technology

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