Acute Hospitals Managing General Practice Services Phase 2

A rapid mixed methods impact evaluation

Our Evaluation

Our evaluation aims to understand the impact of vertical integration on secondary care service use and on patients’ experiences of accessing and receiving care, particularly those living with multiple long-term conditions.

Specifically, the evaluation aims to understand:

  • the extent of vertical integration between acute hospitals and GP practices that has already taken place in England
  • the impact on secondary care utilisation
  • the impact on the patient journey with regard to access to, and overall experience of, care
  • the impact on patients living with multiple long-term conditions he objectives of vertical integration

Our Background

Vertical integration, a pioneering approach where acute hospitals assume management of GP practices, is transforming the landscape of healthcare delivery. This innovative model streamlines the planning and delivery of primary and secondary services, fostering collaboration and enhancing patient care.

In 2020, our BRACE rapid evaluation shed light on the implementation of vertical integration, revealing its potential to bolster primary care, particularly for practices grappling with financial and recruitment obstacles. Now, we are embarking on a follow-up impact evaluation, delving deeper into the effects of this transformative model.

We are committed to transparency and accountability, ensuring our research is rigorous and evidence-based. Our findings will inform healthcare policy and practice, shaping the future of integrated care in the English NHS.

This project ran from March 2022 - January 2023.

Our Approach

The study is comprised of: 1) review of NHS trust annual reports, relevant literature and data sets to understand the scale of vertical integration across England; 2) quantitative analysis of national secondary data to explore the impact of vertical integration on secondary care utilisation and the financial implications of that; and 3) qualitative data collection and analysis with key stakeholders and patients across three case study sites to understand the impact of vertical integration on experience of care. We will deliver workshops with each site and with policy-makers to share findings.

Our Outputs

Our Team

  • Jon Sussex (PI- contact person)
  • Manbinder Sidhu (PI - contact person)
  • Katie Saunders
  • Charlotte Davies
  • Fifi Olumogba