IAS Funding programmes

IAS funding supports interdisciplinary collaboration within the University and beyond. The programmes below are now open with monthly deadlines and we are inviting proposals.

Details of deadlines and proposal forms for University of Birmingham staff can be found on the Research Strategy and Services website or by contacting the IAS team.

  • A University of Birmingham researcher delivering a workshop

    IAS Workshops

    Interdisciplinary research planning workshops are intended to bring together expertise from across the breadth of our university. Workshop topics should be interdisciplinary and include substantial input from at least two colleges. Researchers applying for IAS workshop funds should consider how the workshops will lead to engagement, impact, high-quality publications and new opportunities for bringing in research grant income.

  • Two researchers in a University of Birmingham laboratory

    IAS Fellowships

    IAS Fellowships aim to attract outstanding researchers, operating at the cutting edge of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with University of Birmingham colleagues. The Fellowships support new collaborations on interdisciplinary topics that are timely, relevant, address national and international priorities, and cross disciplinary boundaries. Fellows are normally expected to spend between four and eight weeks on campus, depending on the review panel’s assessment of the proposed activity.

  • A researcher wearing protective glasses, which are reflecting brain scan information from the screen in front of him

    IAS Follow-on Funding

    This pump-priming research fund of up to £10,000 seeks to ensure that interdisciplinary ideas generated in the IAS, within the University and through international collaboration, are realised. Researchers are eligible to submit a proposal after successfully hosting an IAS Visiting Fellow or an IAS Workshop.