Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoceanography


Our research combines geochemistry, micropalaeontology, and climate modelling to produce an integrated view of ancient, modern and future environmental change across a wide range of time-scales.  Research expertise includes stable isotope and trace metal inorganic geochemistry, organic biomarker analyses, quantitative and evolutionary micropaleontology as well as Earth system and climate modelling. 

As examples, we explore how climate change may have driven dinosaur evolution 240 million years ago (linked with Palaeobiology research), and how gas emissions from Large Igneous Provinces (linked with Dynamic Earth research) has driven hyperthermal intervals resulting in mass extinctions and deglaciations. We examine how Antarctic temperature and ice volume has been controlled by tectonics and climate over the last 40 million years and by El Nino over the past 12,000 years.  Researchers are deeply engaged with the International Ocean Discovery Program, with shipboard participation in numerous IODP Expeditions. As well as working in the marine realm we also conduct research on lakes, ice-cores and in cave environments. 


Research areas

Climate and Earth System Modelling

Our research aims to quantify and understand the process of past climate and Earth System change with a view to developing better model simulations and predictions of future global change. We utilise a wide range of models, which enables us to investigate the Earth system over timescales from days to millions of years over a variety of spatial scales. Particular areas of interest are:

  • biogeochemical cycling of carbon and other elements through the Earth system
  • how the carbon cycle has changed over Earth history
  • patterns of regional climate change
  • the development and validation of statistical downscaling methods
  • the interaction between key components of the Earth system, e.g., atmospheric dust, aerosols and vegetation, oceans and sediments, and the physical climate
  • data assimilation methods to combine climate simulations with empirical proxy data

Inorganic Geochemistry

Our research focuses on determining how and why Earth’s climate, environments and oceans have changed in the past. We are particularly focused on the interactions between the different components of the Earth system, especially between the biosphere and climate. We utilise a diverse range of analytical techniques including stable isotopes and elemental concentrations, preserved in both historical and geological archives such as soils, fossils, speleothems and sediments/rocks.

We are active in testing the fidelity of known proxies and their carriers, to create more accurate palaeoreconstructions. Collaboration with colleagues focussed on climate modelling allows the Paleoclimatology and Paleooceanography team to bring together numerical modeling, organic geochemistry and micropalaeontology, to better understand the operation of the Earth system through time.


Working alongside colleagues in Palaeobiology, our research in Micropalaeontology covers all the major marine microfossil groups - foraminifera, coccolithophores, dinoflagellates, condonts and ostracods – as well as terrestrial pollen and spore communities. We use these to reconstruct long-term macroevolutionary patterns, short-term ecosystems perturbations and the relationship between climate, environments and life.

Research expertise spans from the early Palaeozoic through to the modern system. Many projects are based on material recovered from major international scientific drilling programs (e.g., IODP, ICDP).

Organic Geochemistry

Our group's research focuses on the source, structure, and distribution of organic carbon compounds (biomarkers) from oceans, lakes, sedimentary rocks and even atmospheric aerosols. We develop biomarker proxies of environmental parameters (e.g. terrestrial and sea-surface temperatures, relative humidity, C3/C4 plant distribution, wetland extent) and use these to answer questions about past climatic and environmental changes.

Research funding

Our research is funded through a diverse range of sources, including NERC, ERC, Marie Curie Actions, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, and the Palaeontological Association. We actively encourage external collaborations, as well as welcoming and supporting fellowship applications. In recent years we have hosted Royal Society, NERC, Leverhulme Trust and Royal Commission of 1851 Fellows. For further information please contact any relevant member of academic staff and see opportunities to get involved with the Earth Sciences community.

Postgraduate opportunities

We offer a postgraduate programme in:

  • MSc Applied Meteorology and Climatology - this course provides comprehensive training in understanding, modelling and prediction of atmospheric processes; as well as the collection, management, supply and application of atmospheric data for the needs of a variety of public and private sectors.

Research-informed teaching is a core part of our ethos, and we have a track record of helping our undergraduate and Masters students publish their research projects, present their work at conferences, and obtain funded PhD positions. 

PhD funding sources

The group includes a large, diverse and vibrant community of highly talented and motivated doctoral researchers, working on a broad range of field-, lab- and desk-based PhD projects. PhD opportunities are available annually through the CENTA doctoral training programme, and may also be advertised on an ad hoc basis as funding allows. We are always keen to talk to potential students about opportunities. We have an excellent track record of training our doctoral researchers for careers in paleoclimatology, industry, university and international research environments.



The University of Birmingham is well-placed for climate and Earth system modelling research. All researchers have access to a state-of-the-art high performance computing service known as BEAR (Birmingham Environment for Academic Research: This currently consists of approximately 2000 computer cores, a research data storage facility, and a dedicated research computing support team. Birmingham is also part of the HPC Midlands+ consortium ( funded by EPSRC, which provides additional resources for the activities such as high-resolution numerical modelling.

Analytical equipment

The group has a suite of research-quality microscopes and imaging facilities including three transmitted light Zeiss AxioScopes, Zeiss and Leica stereoscopes, as well as a Phenom ProX desktop SEM and Philips XL30, both with EDS capability. Within the School we have access to stable isotope (IRMS) and trace metal (ICP-OES, ICP-MS) facilities for the analysis of geological carbonates. GC-MS, GC-FID and GC-IRMS facilities are available for identification and quantification of biomarkers.

Public Engagement

Public engagement represents a significant component of our work. The group has strong links to the Lapworth Museum of Geology, and played a key role in developing the new Museum exhibitions. We use the Museum’s temporary exhibition space to showcase our research. We frequently deliver public talks, events and educational sessions, in the Museum and further afield – please contact any member of academic staff if you are interested in having us come to talk to your group about our research


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