Scholarship available
Our Online Birmingham Masters Scholarship offers £3,000 via a tuition fee discount, to support the brightest and best applicants undertaking a postgraduate course via distance learning in 2025.
Become a responsible, reflective, and resilient global business leader for the future with an AMBA-accredited, global top 10 Online MBA (Financial Times 2024) from Birmingham Business School.
Advance your career through practice-based assignments and convenient online modules designed by industry experts. Tailor your learning by choosing from five focus areas, equipping you with the skills to excel in your chosen career.
[Music]0:03 the NBA at Birmingham was really0:05thought-provoking and challenging what I0:06liked most was that it you know also0:09looked at how businesses contribute to0:10society in a positive way not only0:13creating um you know shareholder value0:15but also stakeholder value for all all0:17people in society why I um decided to do0:20an MBA is um to be honest was important0:23for me to challenge myself and to0:25educate myself I knew that the you know0:28the quality of teaching was very high uh0:30and I was looking for a course um you0:32know that gave me the flexibility to0:33combine work life with family life you0:35know University of Birmingham uh proved0:37to be the the course you know that0:38offered that the best why the University0:40of Birmingham because it's one of the0:42top 100 uh universities in the world the0:46most important learning point I took0:48from the business school was um0:50perseverance resilience and you need a0:53very high level of organization because0:55as a distance learner I worked full-time0:57and I did a part-time degree1:00so you need to be highly organized to be1:02able to juggle both I think the skills1:05and knowledge I've gained from this1:06program will be applicable really in any1:09future role that I have I plan to use1:11the skills and knowledge learned from1:12this MBA in my career to advance it to a1:16more senior level having that overall1:20strategy understanding is really1:21valuable to employers the course was1:23about 2 and a half years and in that1:25time I've been promoted twice yeah the1:27study and the degreees definitely1:29contributed to this that the course1:30contributed to My Career Success by1:32giving me a clear understanding of what1:33I want to do and uh how I want to do it1:36so I think for me the highlight of the1:38course was probably the Dee challenge1:40where we had a number of senior Dee1:43staff was the most intense concentration1:46really of everything that we've learned1:47in the course I've got so many uh1:50favorite memories of the program the1:52university offered the opportunity to go1:54to Singapore and do a module there for1:56me it was very clear that that was1:58something I wanted to do so I did my2:00very last module in Singapore and yeah2:02what a great way to finish MBA at2:05Birmingham is a generalist MBA so you2:07cover a lot of aspects of business be it2:09marketing HR finance and so on and it2:12gives a great top level overview of how2:14businesses operate in this changing2:15world if you're considering doing an MBA2:17at the University of Birmingham go for2:20it it's a lot of heart work but you'll2:23find it very rewarding honestly I can't2:25recommend the NBA highly enough it's2:27been2:28life-changing2:33[Music]
Join the University of Birmingham’s online MBA to master responsible business practices and graduate as a transformative leader. Study online and gain the same degree certificate as on-campus students.
This programme is part of a suite of MBAs run through the Birmingham Business School, the UK’s oldest business school. Internationally acclaimed and consistently ranked in global league tables, it holds the prestigious ‘gold standard’ triple-crown accreditation.
MBA in the World (Financial Times 2024)
Accreditation from the AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS.
Online study. A flexible learning alternative for working professionals around the world.
This leading online MBA features expert lecturers and researchers from a range of disciplines. You’ll be taught through a blend of tutorials, projects, and practical assignments to consolidate your learning.
The online MBA is a 180 credit, 24-month programme consisting of twelve 10 credit taught modules, one 20 credit Purposeful Leader module, and a 40 credit dissertation.
The course comprises of a series of core and elective modules. Each core and elective module is 10 credits, Purposeful Leader is 20 credits and the final Project is 40 credits.
To gain a place at Birmingham you will need to meet our general entry requirements, as well as those specific to your course. Your application will be reviewed by the course’s Admissions Tutor, who will decide whether your application should receive an offer.
For entry to the online MBA you must have obtained (or be predicted to obtain) an upper second-class degree from a UK university OR an equivalent qualification from a recognised institution.
Given the nature of this programme, applicants should have five years of professional management experience or at least three years in cases of exceptional potential.
If you are applying for either the Clinical Leadership or Engineering Leadership specialism, please note that relevant industry experience is also required.
If you do not meet standard entry criteria, we may accept applications with a lower degree and significant work experience. Please speak with us to find out if you are eligible to join the programme.
Total cost
Per module
The programme fee includes any online resources, including full access to the online learning platform, course materials and required digital reading materials. The fee does not include any personal expenses for new technical equipment or office supplies.
Our Online Birmingham Masters Scholarship offers £3,000 via a tuition fee discount, to support the brightest and best applicants undertaking a postgraduate course via distance learning in 2025.
Online postgraduate study is a significant financial commitment, and we want you to be completely aware of the associated costs – and all the support available – before becoming a student with us. There are a number of funding options available to help you, including loans, scholarships and employer reimbursement.
To apply for an online postgraduate programme, you will need to submit your application and supporting documents online.
If you have a question about your application or the application process, including whether your current degree qualifies you for the programme, contact us using the details below, and we will be happy to help. We’re ready to answer any questions and are available to provide guidance, advice and honest feedback.
To help you make the most of the business management opportunities available, we offer one-to-one employment advice to support your goals and further advance your career, both during and after graduation.
Strategic events such as job search workshops, career development sessions, and networking opportunities with employers and alumni are designed to further advance your career. In addition to being invited to online industry guest lectures, you will have the opportunity to visit campus for workshops like our annual Deloitte Consultancy Challenge and MBA Symposium.
Your relationship with the University of Birmingham will continue long after your graduation. To make the most of your future career prospects, we will help you gain the skills, knowledge and attributes that employers are looking for.
As one of the largest providers of distance learning in the UK, we offer you a prestigious online education that matches the on-campus experience, taught by our same expert professors and lecturers. You have the flexibility to study from wherever you are in the world, control your daily schedule, and still benefit from the academic, wellbeing, and career support as part of our global postgraduate community.
From the moment you enrol to the time you graduate, we will give you all the support you need to succeed. Whether you have questions about your application, assignment deadlines, technical issues or careers opportunities, we’re here to help.