Call for papers: The Human Rights Act and Health Law in the UK, 25 years on
Workshop will take place on 9th June 2025
Workshop will take place on 9th June 2025
On 1st October 2000 the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force. At the time there were concerns by some as to whether this could have adverse impacts on health care delivery- particularly in the context of the NHS due to a consequent increase in litigation. On the other hand this new Human Rights approach had the potential to change law, practice and vision in relation to health and healthcare. But approaching almost 25 years on as the dust has settled what exactly has the Human Rights Act done for Health Law ( as broadly defined to include Care)- in practice and as a legal discipline?
This One Day Workshop to be held on Monday 9th June 2025 run by the Centre for Health Law, Science and Policy at the University of Birmingham and the Care, Health and Human Flourishing Theme at the Law School aims to explore these issues.
The day will have up to 4 panels each containing up to 3 papers. Each panel will run for one and a half hours. We welcome presentations from colleagues at all career stages. The Workshop will be held at Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham Edgbaston Campus.
No charge will be made for the event and refreshments and lunch will be provided on the day. We have some limited funds to cover standard class advance purchase travel costs within the UK for external PGR and ECR colleagues whose papers are selected by the organisers.
Deadline for submission of abstracts is 5pm on Wednesday 12th March
Any queries please contact Jean McHale at