Will Urban Youth Fundamentally Change African Politics?

Episode 18 of the People, Power, Politics podcast features Prof Amy Patterson and Prof Megan Hershey’s new book (w Tracy Kuperus) “Africa’s Urban Youth.”

Logo for the 'People power and politics' podcast. The logo shows a man speaking on a podium and people listening.

Hosted by CEDAR’s Nic Cheeseman, this episode covers:

  • How young people across Africa contest marginalisation and define and claim their citizenship
  • What led to Kenya’s youth-led protests of June/July 2024
  • How to push back against the “youth as a problem or a solution” binary

Listen to the full episode wherever you get your podcast and visit our CEDAR website or our New Books Network podcast channel page to listen on your browser.

People, Power, Politics brings the latest insights into the factors that are shaping - and re-shaping - our political world by talking to leading thinkers from across the globe. Join us to better understand the factors that promote and undermine democratic government around the world and follow us on Twitter at @CEDAR_Bham!

If you would like to speak on the podcast, please contact Petra Alderman at p.alderman@bham.ac.uk.