University of Birmingham welcomes new Turing Fellows

The latest cohort of Turing Fellows, appointed by The Alan Turing Institute, will shape the future of data science and artificial intelligence.

A white man holding a laptop in front of a rainbow coloured background of abstract colour.

Turing Fellows are the next generation of world-leading researchers.

The new cohort of 51 Turing Fellows is drawn from universities and research institutes across the UK. They will contribute to new ideas and grow the UK's data science and AI ecosystem by supporting, retaining and developing the next generation of world-leading researchers' careers while contributing to the Turing's overarching goals.

Turing Fellowships recognise established researchers on the cusp of becoming global leaders. With significant contributions to their respective field and substantial research experience, they are considered torchbearers for transformative research. The 2024 Birmingham cohort includes new appointees and returning scholars with proven research excellence and innovation.

Turing Fellows also serve as advocates and ambassadors. They will champion equality, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring a research ecosystem that thrives on various perspectives, and the Fellowships extend beyond recognition, providing a platform for meaningful engagement. Researchers will forge lasting connections with the Turing beyond the lifetime of their fellowship.

The complete list of Turing Fellows at the University of Birmingham is as follows:

Professor Slava Jankin, Turing Academic Lead at Birmingham, said:

"We are delighted to welcome these outstanding researchers spanning law, biology, engineering, operations management, and chemical engineering as Birmingham's newest Turing Fellows.

Professor Delacroix's interdisciplinary work on law, ethics and AI governance, Professor Orsini's use of AI and data science to monitor freshwater ecosystems, Dr Xia's advanced modelling of weather and climate impacts on the infrastructure and built environment, Professor Zhang's focus on sustainability and innovation in global operations, and Dr Windows-Yule's imaging and simulation of complex particulate systems, further cement our university as a powerhouse for artificial intelligence and data science research. We eagerly anticipate the fresh perspectives and trailblazing discoveries these fellows will bring through collaborations with the Turing Institute and partners across industries worldwide."

Professor Mark Girolami, Chief Scientist, The Alan Turing Institute, said:

"I'm delighted to welcome a new cohort of Turing Fellows, brought to us from across our University Network in recognition of their status as the next generation of world-leading researchers in the data sciences, AI and related fields.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing the immense value they will add to our diverse and vibrant science and innovation community, including playing a critical role in the delivery the Turing's strategy as we strive to change the world for the better through data science and AI."

As a long-standing member of the Turing University Network, the University of Birmingham collaborates closely with the Alan Turing Institute to accelerate discoveries, drive innovation, and propel the UK toward a data-driven future.