Staff and student squads posing on a football pitch

At the end of Semester 2 the students battled a staff team consisting of a mixture of lecturers and PGTAs. In a closely contested affair, the students snuck into a 2-0 lead at half time.

The staff team shuffled their pack at the interval, sending Andrew Treglown up front. This tactical masterstroke shifted the momentum of the match. After a mazy run from MOTM Daniel Loghin, he fed the ball to Michael Dymond who exquisitely flicked the ball into the back of the net from close range.

Further chances came and went for the staff team, but it was only a matter of time before the equaliser arrived. Showing that VGLA stands for "very good leading attack", Treglown hit a first-time side-foot finish into the corner of the goal. Full-time: Students 2 Staff 2.

The match therefore went into extra time, and both sides had chances to win it. However, deep into extra time the students broke the hearts of the staff team and the majority of the crowd, when they got in behind the staff defence to steal a winner. Final score: Students 3 Staff 2.

Thanks to everyone for taking part in this and the netball match in March. Combined the two events raised around £160 for MathSoc's chosen charity, Mind.