The School's contribution accounts for nearly 7% of the Symposium's accepted papers. LICS is a premier venue in theoretical computer science, which will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on 8–11th July 2024.
Papers being presented are:
- Victor Dalmau and Jakub Opršal: Local consistency as a reduction between constraint satisfaction problems
- Sergey Goncharov, Stefan Milius, Stelios Tsampas and Henning Urbat: Bialgebraic Reasoning on Higher-order Program Equivalence
- Eric Finster, Alex Rice and Jamie Vicary: A Syntax for Strictly Associative and Unital ∞-Categories
- Liron Cohen, Yannick Forster, Dominik Kirst, Bruno da Rocha Paiva and Vincent Rahli: Separating Markov's Principles
- Anupam Das and Abhishek De: A proof theory of right-linear (omega-)grammars via cyclic proofs
As a long-standing contributor to LICS, Professor Martin Escardo will also deliver an invited talk in Tallinn. Reflecting on the School's success, Professor Escardo, who leads the Theoretical Computer Science research theme in the School of Computer Science, reports: