POSTnote: Reducing plastic waste

Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology (POST) POSTnote references Birmingham Plastics Network Policy Commission: A Future for Sustainable Plastics.

A man in blue overalls and holding an orange hard hat stands in front of bundles of plastic recycling.

The Birmingham Plastics Network Policy Commission brought together voices from across the plastics landscape to develop a set of well informed, evidence-based, policy recommendations.

Published on 31 July 2024, the latest POSTnote summarises what changes in approaches to UK plastic waste management may be required if ambitious internationally legally binding targets are agreed.

Several recommendations from the Commission, published in March 2024, are outlined in the POSTnote, recognising that Governments, through appropriate decision-making processes, could retain plastic materials within the economy, but if a number of key challenges are addressed, including stronger regulations of compostable and biodegradable plastics, harnessing tax systems to promote sustainable decisions and greater consistency in waste management and recycling practices, to help tackle plastic waste among others.

POSTnotes are impartial, non-partisan, and peer-reviewed briefing notes on various subjects that should inform parliamentary debate, offering independent, balanced, and accessible analyses of public policy issues related to science and technology.


Find out more

Read the POSTnote on Reducing Plastic Waste in full on the UK Parliament POST website.

The Birmingham Plastics Network is an interdisciplinary team of over 60 researchers working together to shape the fate and sustainable future of plastics.