Chemical Engineering Achieves Platinum Green Impact Awards

On Tuesday 2 July, the School of Chemical Engineering were awarded two Platinum Awards for the 2024 Green Impact Challenge.

Aston Webb building

On Tuesday 2 July 2024, the University of Birmingham celebrated all who took part in this year’s Green Impact Challenge. The School of Chemical Engineering were awarded two platinum awards, one for the School of Chemical Engineering and one for the Healthcare Technologies Institute.


Speaking of the achievement, Sarah Fleming, Head of Operations within the School of Chemical Engineering said: “Receiving a Platinum Award for our first submission to Green Impact as a whole School is an incredible achievement, and testament to the enthusiasm and hard-work of the team of Professional Services Staff, Academics and Students responsible for implementing so many positive actions across many areas of the School, including: Teaching and Education, Waste and Recycling, Biodiversity, and more!”


By taking part in the Green Impact Challenge, the school have demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively across different areas of the department to implement and maintain new sustainable activities and pledge a commitment to adopting more sustainable travel habits, increasing water efficiency, promoting energy conservation and awareness and tackling waste


Emma Lardner, Operations Manager for the Healthcare Technologies Institute said: “I am incredibly proud of the department for achieving two platinum awards for the 2024 round of Green Impact. It’s great to collaborate with others within the department to increase sustainability across offices and laboratories, and I look forward to continuing to improve our practices across the school”.


Green Impact is a great way to embed sustainable working practices within your department or team, while encouraging collaboration and workplace wellbeing. In the latest round of Green Impact, 35 teams completed 1432 actions, reaching around 2076 people through these activities, which resulted in an estimated potential saving of 130 tonnes of CO2.


Green Impact is a United Nations-recognised sustainability accreditation programme, with an awards element that celebrates improved ways of working and encourages further awareness of the need for sustainability.

 Further information and to sign up to Green Impact.