Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament 2025: Call for Papers

Paper proposals are invited for next year's Birmingham Colloquium on the theme of the Pauline Epistles.

People sitting in a lecture room

A session at the Birmingham Colloquium in 2023

The Fourteenth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament will take place in Birmingham from Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th April 2025.

This biennial event, first held in 1997, has established itself as one of the main international gatherings at which textual scholars share new research findings on the transmission and history of the New Testament.

The Fourteenth Colloquium will be held in conjunction with the GALaCSy project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This Anglo-German project is investigating the earliest translations of the Pauline Epistles.

Accordingly, the topic of the Colloquium is to be The Pauline Epistles, with special attention to the ancient versions. The call for proposals of papers to be presented at the colloquium is open until Wednesday 18th December 2024. Presentations are expected to be around 25 minutes in length. Applicants should send a title and abstract of their paper by email to before the deadline.


A group of people standing in a hall

Some of the participants at the Thirteenth Colloquium

The full timetable and selection of papers will be released in January 2025, when booking for the colloquium will also open. Further information will be posted here and on the Colloquium homepage.

It is hoped that next year's colloquium will again be a partly hybrid event, enabling those unable to attend in person to watch the presentations online. The videos of the Thirteenth Colloquium continue to be available on the IGNTP YouTube channel.

For any questions, please contact Professor Hugh Houghton, convenor of the colloquium, or email the address above.