Alumni and supporter generosity is supporting climate change research

Alumni and friends are supporting important outreach work and are helping the UK's biggest investigation into the effects of climate change on trees.

A person climbing a mast at the BIFoR FACE experiment

The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research’s (BIFoR) Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment is the world’s largest climate change experiment, which aims to investigate how trees respond to increased levels of CO2 and whether there is a point in which they can’t absorb anymore. It was formed in 2014 as a direct result of a £15 million donation from the JABBS Foundation.

This year, research has shown that, in response to increased levels of CO2, soil rapidly increases its rate of nitrogen turnover, which in turn may sustain the increase in tree growth rates that have been seen under higher levels of CO2. Through projects like FACE, and with the support of philanthropy, we can provide vital insights into how forests work to preserve themselves and protect us from the uncertain impacts of climate change. The project provides crucial evidence for organisations, institutions and government, so that they take the issues of climate change seriously.

BIFoR in a box – bringing forestry research to the classroom

‘BIFoR in a Box’ is a citizen science project, developed by researchers and staff in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, that has been taken up by 120 schools across the UK.

It is a free science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) kit for schools that contains everything needed to bring BIFoR to the classroom, including information on how to create and install a dendrometer (a tree growth band), collect data and discover more about the BIFoR FACE experiment. Schools can then submit their readings and join a growing community of citizen scientists across the UK.

Their new project, BIFoR Branching Out, was one of the successful applicants for funding from the Alumni Impact Fund this year, receiving £2,460. The project had already received £2,460 from the Education Enhancement Fund and so this match-funding will effectively double the overall impact of their current work. It will:

  • Fund an extra 30 BIFoR in a Box kits to bring the total up to 60.
  • Fund the delivery of workshops and materials to train a cohort of 60 Forestry STEM ambassadors, consisting of both University staff and students, who can take the kits to their old secondary school, or another in their local area.
  • Fund Forest STEM ambassador uniforms for university staff, as well as students.
  • Build a growing network of secondary schools monitoring tree growth over time and carrying out their own investigations that link to research that is part of the BIFoR FACE experiment.
  • Help to embed climate change and sustainability within teaching at schools, now when we need it most.

Funding from the Alumni Impact Fund has enabled us to host ‘BIFoR Branching Out’ workshops for students and staff at the University to develop the awareness, knowledge and skills required to help us bring this project to a growing community of citizen scientists, measuring tree growth and carbon capture across the UK and beyond!

Dr Samantha Dobbie, BIFoR Learning and Engagement Lead
BIFoR in a Box on a table

A BIFoR in a Box kit for schools

Thank you to all our alumni and friends who generously give to the Alumni Impact Fund. The Fund supports innovative projects that have a positive impact on the academic endeavour, teaching and the student experience, or are of benefit to the wider student community. Read more about the exciting student-led projects funded by the Alumni Impact Fund.

The University of Birmingham is leading global research to address the realities of climate change. Find out more about BIFoR FACE and its research.