More than Just a Tune: Music Copyright and Forensic Musicology

In this post on the Birmingham Law School Research blog, Dr Chen Zhu and Mr Guy Protheroe examine the relation between music copyright and forensic musicology.

Dr Chen Zhu standing in the atrium of the University of Birmingham Great Hall

Dr Zhu is an academic lawyer who has an abiding interest in music copyright issues. Mr Protheroe is one of the most eminent expert musicologist working in this field for over 35 years in the UK and beyond. He has recently contributed an important chapter reflecting on the practice of forensic musicology to a new book titled Music Borrowing and Copyright Law—A Genre-by-Genre Analysis (Hart, 2023 edited by E. Bonadio and C.W. Zhu). Mr Protheroe is also a conductor, music director and arranger when he is not busy providing forensic evidence. We are grateful to him for generously sharing his expertise from the perspective of a musician