Dr Pavlovic to join the Council of European Section of the International Society for Heart Research

Dr Pavlovic has been elected to join a group of 12 distinguished European cardiovascular researchers from the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR).

Dr Davor Pavlovic

Dr Davor Pavlovic, Associate Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences

Dr Pavlovic will join the ISHR Council for a 4-year term, starting from July 2023. Dr Pavlovic will be a third UK Council member, along with Professor Mauro Giacca (King’s College London) and Professor Sean Davidson (University College London). The Council members currently come from UK, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Norway, Netherlands, Hungary and Belgium.

The International Society for Heart Research is the only truly global organisation supporting and promoting the interests of cardiovascular research scientists worldwide. It was set up in 1968, and its community is made up of over 3,000 members in 7 international Sections: Australasian, Chinese, European, Indian, Japanese, Latin American and North American. The mission of the ISHR is to promote the discovery and dissemination of knowledge in the cardiovascular sciences. The society runs two journals, the established Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (JMCC), with a current impact factor of 5.763, and a new open access journal JMCC Plus. Dr Pavlovic has recently taken over as Editor-in-Chief of JMCC Plus from Professor Rong Tian, University of Washington, US.

It is an honour for me to join the esteemed ISHR European Section Council and collaborate with my fellow European colleagues towards fostering a more connected and interactive cardiovascular research community.

Dr Davor Pavlovic

Dr Pavlovic is an Associate Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and the Cardiac Diseases Theme lead at the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham. Upon being elected, Dr Pavlovic said:

"I am deeply grateful to my colleagues for entrusting me with the privilege of serving on the Council. I will strive to represent the diverse views of ISHR members across all career stages. As a long-time member of this exceptional organisation, I am committed to ensuring the smooth operation of the Society and upholding its values. I will be dedicated to supporting and empowering the society's early and mid-carer members in particular, whilst promoting inclusivity and openness to new ideas. Since attending my first ISHR European Section meeting in Manchester in 2006, I have had the pleasure of meeting numerous remarkable friends and colleagues at various ISHR events, cementing my dedication to this incredible community."