Why I chose part-time Distance Learning study at the University of Birmingham
Philosophy part-time PhD DL student, Claire Beard, talks about distance learning study at Birmingham.
Philosophy part-time PhD DL student, Claire Beard, talks about distance learning study at Birmingham.
Claire began studying a PhD by Distance Learning in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham in September 2021.
I have studied other courses via distance learning. For me looking for the right university wasn’t just about the distance learning piece but also about having the right academic supervisor for my proposed research.
Distance learning means I can manage my study around the commitments of family life and work. The reason I chose Birmingham was because they appear to be well established in supporting distance learning as a means of studying and research.
For any distance learning course you must be self-motivated and use every pocket of time available to you. I have set days that I study, similar to a work schedule, and I also use pockets of time, such as sitting in my car waiting to pick up the kids where I can read for 30 minutes (in peace).
A Distance Learning programme offers flexibility, autonomy and diversity.
My plan at this early stage is take one day at time; the end is not my goal as I tend to focus on the present process.