University of Birmingham sets agenda for further collaboration between higher education and business

The Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce joined Prof. Adam Tickell, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Birmingham at April’s Patron Lunch.

A warm welcome was provided to the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Patrons Lunch for senior leaders from the city’s top businesses

On the 6 April 2022, Professor Adam Tickell, University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor, was a guest speaker at the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Patrons Lunch event, setting out the University’s desire to continue to work hand in hand with industry and the region’s education providers.

In the wake of the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Spring Budget Statement, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce came together to hear guest interviewee, Professor Adam Tickell offer his insights and ambitions for higher education and business as he leads the University of Birmingham through uncertain times.

The lunch, hosted at The Exchange - the University’s iconic venue in the heart of Birmingham - was attended by a selection of members and patrons at top tier level membership of the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and featured the Vice-Chancellor in conversation with Henrietta Brealey, the CEO of the Chambers of Commerce and University of Birmingham alumna.

The region will have many exciting moments to celebrate in the next few months and it will be for us as leaders of institutions and industry to make the most of these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities with the backdrop of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games we will showcase a game changing Birmingham to the world.

Professor Adam Tickell, University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Drawing on his experience working with industry and higher education, attendees heard the new Vice Chancellor’s observations and reflections from his first few months in the role. He also set out his ambitions for the University over the course of this year, voicing, in particular, his excitement for the forthcoming Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

With the arrival of the new financial year, the conversation touched on both the opportunities and challenges facing Higher Education and business in the region and what needs to change over the coming year.

Close links between academia and industry are ever more crucial as organisations and higher education providers across the West Midlands bear the impacts of global issues such as the war in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis.

As the country faces multi-decade high inflation rates and the rising cost of living, the Vice-Chancellor offered his outlook on the UK economy, underlining his desire to see further collaborations between Higher Education and business in order to safeguard the region’s organisations and support its future workforce.

Partnering with the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce

While the afternoon’s discussions noted the challenges to business and education in the current economic climate, they reiterated the opportunity for further growth and positive change that close partnerships such as the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and Patrons with the University of Birmingham can bring about.

The University of Birmingham is proud to be taking an active role in working with corporate partners to tackle regional, national and global challenges. If you’d like to collaborate with us or hear about future opportunities and events, contact us at