Successful Round of Multiple Academic Promotions for Institute 2022

Eight academics within the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the University of Birmingham have been promoted in the 2022 academic promotion round.

Aerial view of the Aston Webb Building on the Edgbaston Campus, University of Birmingham

Eight academics from the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy have been successfully promoted

In this year's academic promotion round at the University of Birmingham, eight academics from the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy have been successfully promoted. The titles awarded to the promoted individuals are Professors, Associate Professors, and Senior Research Fellows respectively. 

The introduction of the Birmingham Academic Career Framework introduced a new set of titles and a career framework with clear promotion criteria and a new points system to underpin this. Individuals who were promoted during this year's academic round were successful based on the excellence of their academic standing and contributions.

The Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy is pleased to congratulate Professor Patricia Lalor on her promotion as Professor in Experimental Hepatology. We are also pleased to congratulate Professor Shishir Shetty on his promotion to Professor in Liver Tumour Immunology. 

The Institute is also pleased to congratulate our latest Associate Professors. Dr Jianmin Zuo, Dr Kendle Maslowski, Dr David Bending, Dr Rebecca Drummond, and Dr Sarah Dimeloe have all been successful in securing the title. 

Our congratulations also go out to Dr Carmela De Santo who has been promoted to Senior Research Fellow within the Institute. 

Looking to next year's round of promotions, the University has agreed that, for the next academic year, applications will be submitted between 1 October 2022 and 30 November 2022. The full timetable for the actions at Institute and College level is being finalised and will be circulated at the start of the next academic year. Promotion roadshows will run again in early September 2022 including a repeat of the promotion roadshow for women only.