Professor Trybus speaks about SME and procurement at World Bank event

Professor of European Law and Policy and Director of Birmingham Institute of European Law spoke at online event.


On 8 November 2022 Professor Martin Trybus presented as one of three speakers at an online event on “Invigorating SME & Start-ups through Public Procurement Markets” drawing a large audience of over 100.

After opening remarks by Arturo Herrera, Global Director, World Bank, Tania Ghossein, Senior Private Sector Specialist, International Finance Corporation, WB Group, addressed the audience on why the public procurement market is important for SMEs. This was followed by Johnny Hugill, who is the Procurement Lead of PUBLIC, a leading think tank with offices in Berlin and London, who presented findings from PUBLIC’s recent study on global approaches to promoting SME procurement, which they published in early-2022, in partnership with Mastercard:.

Finally, Martin Trybus presented specifically on the four techniques in the 2024 procurement Directives of the EU aimed at facilitating SME participation in public procurement, also critically evaluating the limits and impact of these techniques and explain why other techniques such as reserved contracts or margins of preference cannot be introduced in the EU.Hiba Tahboub and Diomedes Berroa, Procurement Practice Managers at the World Bank acted as discussants leading to a Q&A session completing the event.