Happy New Year from SATNAV!

SATNAV are always looking for novel ways to communicate science and collaborate with other societies. This term has been no different with new partnerships and even a merge with another group! Chair Anna tells us more.


SATNAV (Science and Technology News and Views) is the University’s only science journalism society. We are a team of student volunteers who produce a biannual science magazine about the science that excites us! 

After brainstorming a theme for our next edition, we host writing workshops for our members, and then our committee does the editing. Learning more about our world should be fun and accessible to everyone which is why we print artwork and poetry in our magazine, alongside more traditional pieces of science journalism and opinion pieces.

We are always looking for novel ways to communicate science, so we love collaborating with other societies. In October, we collaborated with AstroSocSpaceSocWISE (Women in Science and Engineering) and PPS (Poynting Physical Society) to celebrate National Space Week. This year’s theme was Women in Space, so we hosted a panel of three women working in the space industry all at different points of their career. The Chair and Vice Chair of SATNAV covered the event and learned how varied and interdisciplinary the space industry is. 

During the last term we have been able to expand our platform and give our members more opportunities to write than ever before! Thanks to our hard-working team we have merged with the previously independent group called Scope. Now our members can write for a monthly e-newsletter, posted on the Satnav:Scope website, as well as in our bi-annual publication. Articles in Scope often cover the more personal side of science and its societal impact, with previous editions being focussed on homelessness, Black Lives Matter and plastic consumption. Our hope for this merge is to engage more people in the wonderful world of science. 

We ended the term in style by attending media ball and by enjoying an exclusive tour of the Lapworth Museum of Geology with Museum Director, Professor Jon Clatworthy.

Work on our regular magazine has not stalled either! Over Christmas we have been putting the final touches on our magazine. Our upcoming edition is ‘What Science Must Do Next’ and has inspired articles like Is DNA the next big thing in digital data storage? and Ageing, Alzheimer’s and Immortality: Should Scientists be Working to Increase Lifespan? Look out for our physical print edition at the end of January!

Thanks to the committee for all their hard work this term!

Stay curious, 

Anna Shortt

To find out more about SATNAV visit their society website.

There are 41 student groups in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. To learn more about their projects and activities head to the EPS Societies homepage.