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New Railway Cab Research Simulator to help improve train services

An advanced railway driving cab simulator has been added to the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education's state-of-the-art operations simulation suite. The simulator, linked to a network train operations model, runs complex train pathing and priority scenarios to devise best solutions for maximising network capacity and disruption recovery.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building
Driving Cab Simulator

An advanced railway driving cab simulator has been added to the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education’s state-of-the-art operations simulation suite.

The simulator, linked to a network train operations model, runs complex train pathing and priority scenarios to devise best solutions for maximising network capacity and disruption recovery. The cab simulator uses virtual reality to give a realistic interactive experience that allows drivers to learn how to optimise their decisions and driving behaviour. 

Linking the cab simulator to the complex interactions between trains over a network gives the BCRRE further world-leading research capability to help the rail industry deliver better and more reliable services.

Dr Lei Chen, Lecturer in Railway Traffic Management and Train Control, University of Birmingham, said: 

“Researchers at the BCRRE have been working on setting up an integrated simulation and testing lab for mainline railways and metros for undertaking comprehensive railway simulation, testing research and remits in lab environments. The lab is built upon a microscopic railway simulator, a driving cab desk and a signalling control panel and will gradually integrate other railway facilities, such as signalling and control system hardware, railway power and traction module and wheel-track interaction module.”