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University of Birmingham spinouts are proud to be in the commercial frontline of the fight against COVID-19

University of Birmingham spinouts are proud to be in the commercial frontline of the fight against COVID-19

What are our spinouts doing?

COVID-19 spinout updates

Many of our spinouts are working on COVID-19 related diagnostics and treatments.  The latest updates from those who are able to share their stories are: 

The Native Antigen Company was amongst the first commercial suppliers to produce antigens for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), and is now collaborating with Oxgene™ to increase the production of antigens that will be used to develop diagnostics and vaccines.  Further news from this spinout can be found online here and here. Follow @nativeantigen on Twitter for updates.

Alta Bioscience provides a peptide synthesizing service – including peptide antigens for antibody generation – and this service remains fully staffed.  The company is still able to meet the fast turnaround time for the majority of their customers. Follow @AltaBioscience on Twitter.

Abingdon Health is mobilizing its rapid test development and manufacturing operations in order to scale-up the deployment of rapid diagnostics in response to the global COVID-19 outbreak and is recruiting for experienced scientists to join the York (UK) team. Follow @Abingdon_Health on Twitter.

You can follow University of Birmingham Enterprise @UoBAccelerate, and we’ll keep you posted on future developments.


How the University of Birmingham is supporting the NHS and its regional partners

From boosting laboratory testing capacity, coordinating clinical trials of new interventions to providing practical support to NHS workers; many of our academic clinicians are now working full time in the NHS fighting this disease. The Birmingham Health Partners alliance between the University of Birmingham and Birmingham Women's & Children's and University Hospitals has allowed us to adapt and work in partnership in new and vital ways.

More information on what the University is doing to counter the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects is available here.