Testing has been regarded as critical to managing the pandemic, the two main tests being molecular virus tests to detect current infection and antibody tests to detect previous infection. Outside of national testing programmes, multiple websites were found to selling both types of test in kit form for personal home use. These tests have subsequently been banned in the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The study, which is the first research into the accuracy of the information provided by websites selling tests for the virus, analysed 27 websites in the U and US which were selling tests in May 2020. The online information provided with each of the 41 tests (39 in the UK and 2 in the US) were analysed for completeness, accuracy and how informative the information was.
Of the 41 tests, only nine provided the name of the manufacturer of the test while only ten provided information on when to use the test. Information on accuracy was provided with 12 of the tests and just under half failed to provide information on how to interpret the results. Sensitivity and specificity information ranging from 97.5% to 100% for molecular tests and 100% for antibodies was provided for 27 of the 41 tests. However, researchers were only able to link these figures to manufacturer’s documents or publications for four of the tests.