This year saw the launch of our campaign to reduce energy consumption within University and partner-owned accommodation, with the aim of not just aiding students in how to minimise their own carbon footprint, but also educate and instil habits which will contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. To date, this has seen BES be responsible for the placement of a ‘Turn me off!’ sticker in 7,500 fresher welcome packages, with the purpose of reminding students to always switch off the lights when not in use and also providing a QR code which leads to our blog with further energy-saving tips! We’ve also liaised with the University’s Environmental Services team to procure around 550 shower timers, which will be distributed to students in shared-bathroom accommodation sites as soon as it is COVID safe to do so. Currently, we are also working on a poster campaign alongside Plastic-Free UoB with energy-saving and sustainability tips to distribute to students.