Caroline Gorvin

Dr Caroline Gorvin

Dr Caroline Gorvin, IMSR Career Development Fellow, has been awarded the Endocrinology Society’s 2019 Early Investigators Award. Dr Gorvin's research investigates membrane protein signalling in neuroendocrinology and bone health.

Endocrinologists are at the core of solving the most pressing health problems of our time, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health,and hormone-related cancers. The Endocrine Society is the world's oldest and largest organisation of scientists devoted to hormone research and physicians who care for people with hormone-related conditions.

The Society's Early Investigators Awards were established to assist in the development of early career investigators and to provide greater recognition of their accomplishments in endocrine-related research.

Dr Gorvin has over 30 peer-reviewed publications, which have been cited 600 times. She has also secured over £143,760 in research funding over the past five years, including grants from the Academy of Medical Sciences, Society for Endocrinology and Odense University Hospital.

Dr Gorvin's research focusses on the trafficking and signalling of membrane proteins, and how impairments in their signalling pathways contribute to endocrine disorders. In recent years, this has concentrated on the role of the class C G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR), and components of its signalling pathway in calcium homeostasis. She is currently establishing her research group investigating metabolic GPCRs.