Closing the Gender Pay Gap
A new policy briefing from Professor Fiona Carmichael, Dr Marco Ercolani, and Dr Scott Taylor which explores possibilities for closing the gender pay gap.
A new policy briefing from Professor Fiona Carmichael, Dr Marco Ercolani, and Dr Scott Taylor which explores possibilities for closing the gender pay gap.
Research at Birmingham Business School focuses on understanding why the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) has developed, why it persists, and what we can all do to ensure women are paid for the work they do.
We have come to three key conclusions:
Workplace gender inequality is a global phenomenon. The ‘gender pay gap’ (GPG), measuring the difference between men’s and women’s mean or median wages, is the most evident and direct manifestation of gender inequality, and shows how far we have to go in achieving just and inclusive workplaces. The gender pay gap exists because higher paid roles tend to be male dominated and the lowest paid tend to be female dominated. It therefore differs from the concept of ‘pay inequality’, which refers to unequal pay for equal work that has been illegal since the 1970 Equal Pay Act.
It is clear that if we simply wait for pay and recognition in the workplace for women to become equal ‘naturally’, without intervention, it is unlikely to happen. The Fawcett Society estimates the current rate of progress means a wait of around a century, assuming continuous change. That means the first generation to be paid equally would be born at the beginning of the next century. And, of course progress in this area is patchy and unpredictable – between 2014 and 2017 there was little or no change. That means women’s economic independence remains lower than men’s, women’s pensions payments remain lower than men’s, and organizations benefit from women’s skills and experience without always paying for their true value.
Professor Fiona Carmichael, Chair in Labour Economics, University of Birmingham
Dr Marco Ercolani, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Univesity of Birmingham
Dr Scott Taylor, Reader in Leadership and Organization Studies, University of Birmingham