CHASM recently submitted evidence to the Ministry of Housing,
Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) after their call on
the longterm delivery of social and affordable rented housing.

The inquiry aims investigate the effectiveness of the Government’s current strategies to boost social and affordable rented housing provision. This includes the adequacy of funding levels, as well as programmes and incentives for key stakeholders, such as local authorities and housing associations, to stimulate delivery.  The submitted evidence from CHASM was based on rigorous research from the Housing and Communities Research Group (HCRG) led by Dr Halima Sacranie and the Wellbeing and Tenure and the Tenants Journey projects from Dr James Gergory and Professor Andy Lymer.

In the response the CHASM Team also advocated that MHCLG:

  • Provide greater support for local authority and housing associations as well regulated, usually very well run, social rent landlords.
  • Provide more support to such providers to develop the communities in which they operate to enable them to be key providers of good homes to their tenants.
  • Support the collection of more specific data on the role of social homes particularly in respect to self-reported wellbeing and ‘experience of the home’ indicators.
  • Provide more public and visible support for the role of social rented accommodation as a home of choice.