Call for PGR peer-reviewers
Interested in gaining some experience peer-reviewing academic writing? The editorial team at Ad Alta: the Birmingham Journal of Literature is seeking PGR students to be part of the Reviews Panel!
Interested in gaining some experience peer-reviewing academic writing? The editorial team at Ad Alta: the Birmingham Journal of Literature is seeking PGR students to be part of the Reviews Panel!
Interested in gaining some experience peer-reviewing academic writing? The editorial team at Ad Alta: the Birmingham Journal of Literature is seeking PGR students to be part of the Reviews Panel!
The work is simple: you read anonymised versions of potential journal submissions and pass your feedback to the general editors, who in turn anonymise the feedback and send it back to the author. Doing so will also mean that your name will appear in the next issue of the journal, under the heading ‘Reviews Panel’, and can boost your academic CV.
As Ad Alta is an interdisciplinary journal, we are particularly interested in hearing from PGR students whose areas of expertise lie beyond the realms of Literature but are still related to the study of English generally. This could include Linguistics, Drama, Creative Writing, Film Studies, Translation Studies, English in Education, and so on: if you think this applies to you, it probably does!
PGR students interested in peer-reviewing should email the General Editors, Jayde and Liam, using the email address Please confirm that you are happy to be a peer-reviewer, and list at least three areas that you would feel comfortable reviewing (e.g. Text World Theory, Contemporary Translated Fiction, Shakespearean Film Adaptations).
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
The Ad Alta Editorial Team