This workshop series aims to become a regular forum to discuss approaches towards sign language linguistics in the cognitive/functional linguistics tradition. Sign CAFÉ 2 will be held at the University of Catania in Ragusa, Sicily, in 2020.

Broadly defined, cognitive/functional perspectives in the language sciences emphasise that language is a means of communication, a type of social action, and is related to other aspects of cognition. Cognitive/functional linguists believe these principles are all crucial to investigating language use and structure. This definition includes a wide range of theoretical approaches, but they all have in common the importance they place on the role of communication and cognition in both linguistic theory and description.

We are pleased to announce that we plan to publish a conference proceedings of Sign CAFÉ 1. We are hoping that this will form part of a proposed new series on cognitive/functional approaches to sign language linguistics with Language Science Press.

Please send us unpublished papers addressing any aspect of sign language research from any cognitive/functional theoretical perspective, including work on:

  • phonetics/phonology
  • morphology/syntax/lexicogrammar
  • semantics/pragmatics
  • discourse/conversation analysis
  • gesture studies
  • language evolution
  • first/second language acquisition
  • sociolinguistic variation
  • language attitudes
  • language change
  • linguistic typology
  • neurolinguistics
  • psycholinguistics

Please email Adam Schembri a message about your intention to submit to the Sign CAFÉ 1 proceedings, including information about the title and authors of your planned submission.

  • Deadline for your intention to submit is 15 February, 2019
  • Deadline for submissions: 30 June, 2019
  • Final decisions: 1 September, 2019