BHP Research Showcase 2018

The Best Overall Exhibit winners, the Rheumatology/Inflammation Research Facility team, from the 2018 BHP Research Showcase

The latest health breakthroughs will be on display next month at the annual Birmingham Health Partners Research Showcase, which will be held in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham’s (QEHB) atrium.

Exciting developments in the last year include the opening of a world-leading conflict wound centre, which is aiming to prevent all scars within a generation, a trial that has cured a UHB patient with a rare condition, and other advances in cancer treatment, concussion diagnosis, and cardiology.

The 2019 Showcase, which will take place between 10am and 3pm on Friday 17 May, is part of the National Institute for Health Research’s (NIHR) ‘Be Part of Research’ campaign, marking International Clinical Trials Day, and will highlight how Birmingham is leading the way with innovations that are changing and saving patient lives.

Delivered on behalf of BHP – a strategic alliance between the University of Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (which QEHB is part of) and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust – this year’s event will be based around the theme ‘Head to Toe.’

All outpatients can express their interest in clinical research to their consultant or clinical teams. In the last year, over 14,000 UHB patients took part in hundreds of studies, with BWC having the second highest number of participants in the West Midlands.

  • Date:Friday 17 May
  • Time: 10am-3pm
  • Location:Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham’s atrium

For more information, please email

Joanna Gray, Clinical Manager of the NIHR Clinical Research Facility at QEHB, said: “Clinical research across the country is crucial in helping to change lives, and to help us all become healthier. The Research Showcase is always a brilliant opportunity to share what is often behind-the-scenes work with the public in an engaging, fun and accessible way.

“It is always important to let patients, visitors and our colleagues across the site see what we do, and let them know how they can get involved to help clinical research move forward to change lives for the better.

“Visitors are often fascinated by just the small proportion we can exhibit at the Showcase from the hundreds of trials and studies we undertake across the newly rebranded Birmingham Health Partners.”

Visitors will be able to find out about the cutting-edge research taking place across Birmingham, including pioneering cell therapies and the latest medical and sensory devices that are being used to diagnose or treat a host of conditions. 

More than 15 exhibits will be on show, highlighting the latest developments in the treatment of cardiology, sexual health, strokes, infections and more.