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Vice-Chancellor's Great Debate

In April, the University hosted the first Vice-Chancellor's Great Debate on the topic of '52% voted for Brexit, but how many will get the Brexit they want'.


In April, the University hosted the first Vice-Chancellor’s Great Debate on the topic of ‘52% voted for Brexit, but how many will get the Brexit they want’.

A new event on the University calendar, the panel for the debate was made up of:

  • Professor Anand Menon, Director of UK in a Changing Europe
  • Lord Michael Heseltine, Conservative Ex-cabinet minister and former Deputy Prime Minister
  • James McGrory, Director of Open Britain
  • Richard Tice, Co-Chairman of Leave means Leave

Chaired by BBC Radio 4’s Ritula Shah, around 300 people attended the debate in the Elgar Concert Hall, with questions submitted by attendees, including one focusing on research led by the University on potential regional economic and social impact of Brexit.

Reflecting on the evening’s debate, panel member Professor Menon said:

‘I very much appreciated the opportunity to go back to the University of Birmingham and really enjoyed the debate, which was lively and fantastically well organised.’