The Institute for German Studies (IGS) at the University of Birmingham is offering a fully-funded PhD studentship for two years as part of its DAAD-funded research project, Shifting Constellations: Germany and Global (Dis)Order.

The studentship will commence on 1st January 2019, or at a later date in 2019 to be mutually agreed, and continue for two years. Funding may be available from the University of Birmingham for a third year of PhD study. The studentship is open to new and continuing PhD students.

Tuition fees will be paid by the IGS. The maintenance stipend attached to the studentship will be at the level determined by the UK Research Councils and will be equivalent to AHRC and ESRC maintenance stipends (£14,777 per annum in 2018-19).

The successful candidate will hold an MA or equivalent in a relevant discipline. A good knowledge of German is desirable.

The successful candidate will complete a doctoral thesis on a topic related to the research project, with a focus on one or more of the project’s core research strands (Institutions, People and Migration, Media, Ideas and Identities). S/he will provide administrative and research support to the IGS project team.

Supervision will be provided by the most appropriate member(s) of the project research team. The project PhD student will be based either in the Department of Political Science and International Studies or the Department of Modern Languages, depending on their PhD topic area, and s/he will also benefit from interaction and engagement with the international group of experts involved in the project network and with the vibrant IGS research community that currently comprises twelve postgraduate students, a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, and four members of academic staff.

Prospective candidates should send an academic CV and a research outline (each no longer than 2 sides of A4) indicating their fit with the project to: Dr Nicholas Martin (

The deadline for applications is Friday 7th December 2018. Informal enquiries prior to full applications are welcome.

The IGS is committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity. We particularly welcome applications from female, black and minority ethnic candidates and people from other marginalised groups.

For further information on the Institute for German Studies, see