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New research explores 'Happiness' as a fourth 'H' in the educational model of Head, Hands and Heart

Dr Matthew Schuelka has just been awarded a grant for ¥5.6 million over two years (£37,500) from the Toyota Foundation in Japan to explore the '3Hs' educational model of Head, Hands and Heart.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Dr Matthew Schuelka has just been awarded a grant for ¥5.6 million over two years (£37,500) from the Toyota Foundation in Japan in their ‘Exploring New Values for Society’ programme. 

The project, “Educational Values for a Sustainable Society: Head, Hands, Heart, and Happiness in Bhutan and Beyond," will explore the ‘3Hs’ educational model of Head, Hands and Heart and proposes 'Happiness' (including sustainability and inclusiveness) as a fourth ‘H’ in education and as a new value for society.

It will examine the advances and obstacles Bhutan has encountered in attempting to locate ‘Happiness’ and ‘Heart’ in education through its Gross National Happiness philosophy. By studying Bhutan in-depth and on the ground, this research can support countries around the world which try to emulate what Bhutan has managed to achieve, and recognize difficulties they may face, in reconceptualising education.

The research team includes:

 *   Dr Matthew Schuelka, School of Education, University of Birmingham (PI)
 *   Dr Akiko Ueda, Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University (Co-I)
 *   Dr Kezang Sherab, Assistant Professor, Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan (Co-I)