IWD Door Campaign
To increase the visibility of women around the Arts Building, all staff in History and Cultures paid tribute to women important to their research or that they find inspirational on their office door.
To increase the visibility of women around the Arts Building, all staff in History and Cultures paid tribute to women important to their research or that they find inspirational on their office door.
To increase the visibility of women around the Arts Building, all staff in History and Cultures paid tribute to women important to their research.
To foreground the importance of women within historical and anthropological studies, academic and professional services staff in History and Cultures marked International Women’s Day by choosing a woman from history who has inspired them to place on their office door with some short biographical text. It comprises part of their ongoing Women’s History Month campaign to increase the visibility of women in the Arts Building, and highlight the importance of women to the academy both in terms of their role as historical actors, and in terms of the work that they do within the contemporary university. All of the posters on display were photographed and can now be viewed on the College of Arts and Law’s Flickr feed.