The results from this proof of principle study were positive. The findings have been disseminated; as lead author the study protocol was published in Trials (Graham, Birchwood, Griffith…Copello et al, 2014), the main results of the study published in Acta Psychiatric Scandinavica (Graham, Copello, Birchwood, Griffith et al., 2016), a description of the treatment approach published in Advances in Dual Diagnosis (Graham, Griffith, Copello &Birchwood, 2016) ; and the treatment manual published by John Wiley & Son (Graham, Copello, Birchwood &Griffith, 2016). This research award was for a publication of the qualitative findings of the study in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (Graham, Copello, Griffith…Birchwood, 2018)