
2008: IDD Students

The group travelled from across the UK and Europe for the occasion, with one former student flying in from Berlin and another from Oslo. The reunion started with a Mexican meal in the city centre on the Friday evening, before the group met up again on Saturday morning for a tour of the much-changed campus - although we were pleased to see our beloved Priorsfield hadn't altered too much! Saturday evening saw the reminiscing move to the pub, with an evening in the Brewdog brewery, before the group said goodbye after a tour of the city centre and an alfresco brunch on the canal. 

Photo of alumni

The former students have gone on to work in a wide range of fields, from international development and mission work, to teaching, fundraising, research and advocacy work. It was great to all get together and explore our old haunts and catch up on a decade's worth of news. We look forward to the next gathering in 2028!

Would you like to organise a reunion with your IDD classmates? Contact the Alumni team to learn more: