To all second year students in the midst of Year Abroad applications! Our third year student rep Nelson Durkee, currently studying at the University of Connecticut, has been working on maintaining inter-year connections. Nelson has created a document (to be shared on social media imminently) allowing third years to share any advice and experiences from their Years Abroad with second year students that are currently researching their potential destinations.

Pictures of Hong Kong at night

We have also heard from fourth year student Jeeves who studied at Hong Kong University, Jeeves has shared with us a reflection on his time in Hong Kong, written on day 235 of his Year Abroad. Accompanied by some stunning photography, you can read Jeeves’ piece here. 

The LANS netball team

The LANS Society netball team have been training hard this week ready for their match against the Physics Society.

This week our LANS Community Lunch revolved around the theme of ‘Meet the Team’, with many staff members making short speeches regarding their specialist areas of study and their role within the department.

Second year students Florence Jones and Joanna Stell are taking part in LOST 2018 which is a challenge organised by Carnival Rag, the University’s largest fundraising society. Dropped in a mystery location 100 miles from Birmingham, they will have to make their own way back by 8pm. The challenge? They can’t spend a penny, and have to complete challenges along the way. Good luck FloJo!