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Anna Persig gives talk in Edinburgh

Anna Persig is giving a paper today at the University of Edinburgh postgraduate classics seminar.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

ITSEE doctoral student Anna Persig is giving a paper today at the University of Edinburgh. 

Anna Persig

Following her bachelors and masters degrees at the University of Pisa, Anna began her doctoral studies in ITSEE in September 2017, where she is working on the translation technique of the Latin Vulgate New Testament. Her research focusses on the books outside the Gospels, whose reviser is unknown (although numerous candidates have been suggested). Anna is the holder of a Midlands3Cities doctoral scholarship from the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. Her supervisors are Dr Hugh Houghton and Dr Philip Burton at the University of Birmingham and Prof. Tom O'Loughlin from the University of Nottingham, one of the six M3C partner universities.

Today, Anna will be speaking to the University of Edinburgh Classics postgraduate seminar on her work so far, with the title "Literalism and Linguistic Improvements in the Latin Translations of the Epistle to the Hebrews". More information about her research can be seen on the M3C virtual postgraduate platform.