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Staff facilitate regional clinical psychology supervisor training

Clinical psychology staff in the School facilitated a clinical psychology supervisor training event over two days in June, which was attended by 34 new supervisors from the local region, and held at Bournville college, Longbridge.

Jeffrey Arnold receiving his prize

Dr Jeffrey Arnold receiving his prize

Clinical psychology staff in the School facilitated a clinical psychology supervisor training event over two days in June, which was attended by 34 new supervisors from the local region, and held at Bournville college, Longbridge. 

This event covered an update on the BPS accreditation criteria and the changes for Clinical Psychology Training that have been implemented to the Birmingham Course, and was led by Dr Liz Kent and Dr Teresa Madurai (Clinical Tutors), Dr Michelle Fisher (Clinical Director) with a slot on Leadership styles lead by Dr Theresa Powell (Programme Director). It provided a good opportunity to network and the feedback was excellent, receiving comments such as 'this event left me wanting more'.

Other workshops included working with difference, learning styles, how to assess competencies at the different stages of training and dealing with difficulties on placement. Day 2 included a trainee slot where several of Year 1 and 3 trainees asked supervisors questions on what might facilitate a good placement start for trainees and top tips for being a good supervisor. 

There was also a prize for the best poster design titled 'Why Supervise?'. This was won by Dr Jeffrey Arnold who works as a qualified Clinical Psychologist in a local Forensic unit and qualified from the Birmingham Course in 2016.