Dr Salvatore Florio is teaching a course at the prestigious European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), 17-28 July 2017.

Hosted by the University of Toulouse (France), the annual summer school takes place over two weeks and attracts around 400 participants from all over the world, from early-career researchers to senior academics.

Dr Salvatore Florio will teach a week-long course entitled 'Speaking of Things and Stuff: The Semantics of Plurals and Mass Terms'. The course provides an introduction to the semantics of plurals and mass terms, topics at the centre of lively debate in linguistics and philosophy.

Salvatore is co-leading this workshop with Dr David Nicholas from the Institut Jean Nicod (Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Paris, France). The department was delighted to host David as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow from February to April 2017, supported by Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies.