Redefining integration
All are invited to an event, jointly hosted by the Institute for Research into Superdiversity and the Runnymede Trust on 'Redefining integration'.
All are invited to an event, jointly hosted by the Institute for Research into Superdiversity and the Runnymede Trust on 'Redefining integration'.
All are invited to an event, jointly hosted by the Institute for Research into Superdiversity and the Runnymede Trust on 'Redefining integration'.
This event is being held on 28 November 2016 at the NCVO rooms in Kings Cross, London (9:30-16:00).
You will have the opportunity to hear about results from the ESRC-funded project 'University out of Diversity? Perspectives on the adaptions of immigrants in Britain', reactions from discussants and participants. The day will focus on discussions about the issues and questions that have been raised by the work on this project and the ways in which we can move forward in redefining integration and reframing related debates.
For more information, the programme of the day and how to register, please visit our events page.